Farmers Branch city council - district 2


As a resident, businessman and property owner in Farmers Branch for over 43 years Luther has gained unparalleled insight into the workings of the Farmers Branch city government and believes strongly in his ability to enact positive changes for the benefit of all of the residents of Farmers Branch. Mr Bernstein is committed to restoring the citizens' faith in their city officials by working actively with the citizens to bring about the changes they wish to see in their community. While committed to letting the citizens' voices be heard, Luther firmly believes the following principles are crucial to the success of Farmers Branch as a city.

Open & Honest Government 

Luther believes in being completely open and honest with his constituents, as well as giving the citizens of Farmers Branch a voice in the affairs of their city. Our city council must be willing to work for the citizens of all cultures. Mr Bernstein is committed to working together with ALL of the citizens of Farmers Branch to help affect progress for everyone. Luther firmly believes in an open-door policy. The phone number you see listed is his cell. Give him a call; he will happily answer, listen and discuss any issues important to you. Mr Bernstein is committed to working with; and FOR the citizens of Farmers Branch! 

Fiscal Responsibility

Mr. Bernstein believes fiscal responsibility is vital to the success of a city government. This includes eliminating frivolous spending in order to allow for funding of infrastructural improvements and the expansion of city services for the benefit of all residents. Luther also strongly opposes granting certificates of obligation for major capital expenditures without a bond vote. 

Appointment Oversight

Enacting oversight for the appointment of individuals to city boards and commissions is of extreme importance to Luther. Appointing individuals based on their qualifications and ability to positively influence the direction of the community is a top priority. This includes requiring background checks for potential board and commission members, especially those that may be in a position to effect children's lives, such as the Parks & Recreation Board and Library Board. 

Infrastructure Improvement

Maintaining the pristine condition of the city's infrastructure as well as preparing for the future is vital to city growth. Repairing streets, maintaining parks and improving the city's water system are just a couple of the infrastructural improvements that must be a top priority in order to facilitate continued growth and development of the city of Farmers Branch. 

New Business
The addition of new businesses within the Farmers Branch community will benefit all. Besides creating more jobs for residents, new businesses bring with them increased tax revenue for the city allowing for reduced taxes for residents without sacrificing the improvements and development the city needs.

Investing in Future Generations

Most importantly, Luther is committed to doing whatever necessary to create a better future for our city and our children! Mr Bernstein is extremely passionate about nurturing the growth of our city's youth and he is determined to give all of OUR children the tools they need to succeed. 


"I have known Luther Bernstein as a friend and neighbor for over twenty years and was elated when he announced he was running for Place 2 on the Farmers Branch City Council. I, personally, was fed up with the ARROGANT MANNER reflected in the actions of the former City Council, including Luther's opponent, especially in their repeated, ineffectual squandering of the City's finances, so I was extremely pleased at Luther's decision to run. Luther has many of the qualities I look for in a candidate for office. He is refreshingly straight-forward with no hidden agenda and a simple desire to give back to the city he has called home for over forty years. Luther Bernstein is a successful businessman who would not be duped by some ideologue from out of state into spending millions of taxpayer dollars on an ineffectual cause, a man for the people who has walked the neighborhood to meet his constituents and personally solicit their vote and an open man who believes in transparency and want to SERVE.

If you feel as I do, now is the time to act and return to Farmers Branch a City Council that believes in openness, integrity, fiscal responsibility, moving the city FORWARD and acting with the people and with transparency. 

Vote for LUTHER BERNSTEIN for Place 2, Farmers Branch City Council on June 21st!"

Al Moore

Paid for by Luther Bernstein Campaign

Frank Shor - Treasurer

 3466 Courtyard Circle

 Farmers Branch, TX 75234


Copyright © 2014 Luther Bernstein Campaign
Luther Bernstein Campaign Endorsed By:
  • Al Moore - Past Planning & Zoning
  • Bill Phelps - Investments
  • Bart Crocker - Architect​
  • Steve Tabianan - Auto Electric
  • ​Judy Byrd
  • ​Jack Pfeffer - Investments
  • ​Maryanne Visconti Pfeffer
  • Paul Heller

  • Frank Shor - C/FB School Board
  • Jeff Fuller - FB City Council
  • Kirk Connally - FB City Council
  • ​Joe Goyne - Pres. Pegasus Bank
  • Jan Woody
  • Berry Grubbs - Former Councilman '96 - '99
  • ​Jo Ann Honnegger
  • Elizabeth Villafranca

"I have had the privilege of knowing Luther for almost twenty years. He is thoughtful, candid and serious about doing the right thing for Farmers Branch. Our community will be enhanced by the addition of such an individual to the City Council."

Frank Shor

C/FB School Board